2020 半導體異質整合技術發展與應用研討會

  • 日期 :2020年 11月 12日
  • 地點 : 新竹


 隨著產業趨勢的發展,5G、AI、高效運算(HPC)晶片已成為半導體產業重要發展方向,對於尺寸效能的持續要求,新型態封裝技術所達到功能多樣化,必須接棒而起。異質整合技術將不同半導體元件整合於同一封裝之中,異質晶片整合(Heterogeneous integration)提供更強的功能性,同時也改善運作的品質。綜觀現在所有一線半導體大廠,包括:台積電、三星、英特爾在內,都致力於異質晶片整合製程的發展,以滿足產品開發上的要求。





Time Topic
09:20-09:50 Registration
09:50-10:00  Opening 
 張榮語 執行長 | 科盛科技 
10:00-10:50  Heterogeneous Integration – An overview
 胡迪群 執行長 | 希鐠科技
10:50-11:10 Coffee Break
11:10-12:00  AI-Assisted Design-on-Simulation Technology for Reliability Life Prediction of Advanced Packaging
 江國寧 講座教授 | 清華大學動力機械系
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:20  An Integrated IC Package Molding Simulation Solution on Advanced Packaging
 徐志忠 研發一處處長 | 科盛科技
14:20-15:10  Packaging Simulation Starting from Mold Filling – Achievements and Challenges
 黃聖杰 教授 | 成功大學機械工程學系
15:10-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:20  Engineering Simulation Integrated Smart Manufacturing in Semiconductor Assembly
 胡逸群 專業技術副理 | 日月光集團
16:20-17:10  Moisture Effect on Physical Failure of Plastic Molded SiP Module – A case Study
 李長斌 協理 | 宜特科技國際工程發展處
17:10-17:30 Panel Discussion


Heterogeneous Integration – An overview

希鐠科技 執行長


AI-Assisted Design-on-Simulation Technology for Reliability Life Prediction of Advanced Packaging

清華大學動力機械系 講座教授

Professor K. N. Chiang received his Ph.D. degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. Currently, he is the Chair Professor and Director of the Advanced Packaging Research Center of the National Tsing Hua University in Hsinchu, Taiwan. From 2010 to 2013, he served as Director of the National High-Performance Computing Center, which is the National Strategic Research Center of Taiwan. He has received three outstanding research awards from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan and has published more than 300 technical papers in SCI journals and conference proceedings. He has awarded more than 40 invention patents. Currently, he is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Mechanics (SCI), Senior Area Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Component, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (SCI), and he was the Associate Editor of the 4 SCI Journal and the board member of IEEE-EPS.

He has made great achievements in simulation-based science and technology. He successfully combined simulation design with artificial intelligence technology and applied it effectively to semiconductor-related designs. His technology has greatly reduced product development time and development costs. Currently, Professor Chiang is the Chairman of Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taiwan. He is the IEEE / ASME / STAM Fellow and the Academician of International Academy of Engineering (IAE), Russia.

An Integrated IC Package Molding Simulation Solution on Advanced Packaging

科盛科技 研發一處處長


Packaging Simulation Starting from Mold Filling – Achievements and Challenges

成功大學機械工程學系 教授


Engineering Simulation Integrated Smart Manufacturing in Semiconductor Assembly

日月光集團研發 專業技術副理

Ian 自成功大學獲得機械工程博士後即加入日月光集團工作迄今,他目前負責日月光集團研發中心及高雄廠之熱傳/模流分析與驗證工作。專業領域包含封膠製程開發與模流分析、封裝產品熱設計與驗證、應力分析與DIC技術等。已發表超過40篇期刊/研討會論文,且已申請超過40件產品專利。

Moisture Effect on Physical Failure of Plastic Molded SiP Module – A case Study

宜特科技 國際工程發展處協理

Jeffrey Lee received the M.S. degree from the Applied Chemistry Department and the EMBA degree from Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu. Prior work was in ITRI, Siliconix Vishay, ASE Corp RD, He serves currently as an Assistant Vice-President with iST-Integrated Service Technology Inc., Hsinchu, Taiwan.

His main works are to develop global open collaboration engineering projects for semiconductor and information communication technology (ICT) related quality and reliability technology with branding customer and industry alliance. Currently, he is focusing more on electronics industry standard development with global alliance and standard committee in IPC, JEDEC and SEMI.

Mr. Lee was a recipient of the Best Paper Award of SMTA China in 2010 and Outstanding Paper Award of ICEPT in 2018. He was also awarded the IPC Distinguished Committee Member for IPC9709 in 2014 and IPC8921 in 2020 by the IPC Standard Committee, He is also a Board Member of IMAPS Taiwan Chapter, and a member of IPC and JEDEC, the SMTAI Technical Committee, the TPCA Technical Committee, and the 001 CSE (Certified Standard Expert) of IPC.




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  • 計程車:自高鐵新竹站到會場,車資約115-145元。
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Moldex3D用戶 一般用戶
免費參加 NT$3,000/人
  • 報名費用包含全天會議專案及 Feast盛宴自助午餐
  • 活動前三天取消恕不退款
  • 報名費用請於2020/11/6(五)前繳交,逾期未繳主辦單位得以將名額讓出提供他人參加


銀行匯款或ATM轉帳方式 郵政劃撥
  • 戶名:科盛科技股份有限公司
  • 帳號:96270118923100
  • 銀行:彰化銀行 北新竹分行
  • 銀行代號:009
  • 戶名:科盛科技股份有限公司
  • 帳號:19447254








