- 日期 :2017年 8月 1日 - 2017年 8月 3日
- 地點 : 芝加哥,美國
- 攤位號碼 :S4
- 活動網站 :https://injectionmolding.org/imtech-2017/

科盛科技(Moldex3D) 將於2017年8月1-3日參與由美國塑膠工程師學會( Society of Plastics Engineers;SPE )舉辦的年度技術研討會IMTECH2017,地點在美國芝加哥Marriott Oak Brook飯店。歡迎您蒞臨Moldex3D 攤位 (S4)體驗尖端塑膠模流射出成型技術,我們的模流分析專家將為您詳細解說Moldex3D如何縮短設計製造週期,改善射出成型成功率。除了展示攤位之外,科盛科技(Moldex3D) 也將於8月1日上午9:00發表演講,題目為:Warpage Prediction, Optimization and Compensation for Injection Molding,將介紹如何應用Moldex3D模擬技術,改善射出成型中常見的翹曲與收縮問題。
- Title: Warpage Prediction, Optimization and Compensation for Injection Molding
- Date: Tuesday, August 1, 2017
- Time: 9:00 AM
- View Agenda
Warpage and shrinkage of injection molded parts are still one of the main molding challenges to
process and simulation engineers. Understanding how material properties change during the
molding process is very important for simulations to address the warpage issue.
The ability to incorporate phenomena such as cooling rate effect on the P-V-T and structural viscoelasticity behavior change from melt to solid state allows simulation to get a higher level of accuracy in warpage predictions than ever before. In this paper, the latest achievement of warpage prediction,
optimization and an innovative shrinkage compensation methodology are presented with an industrial part.