SABIC透過先進黏度數據 改善射出成型壓力預測

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SABIC是化學製品領域的全球領導者,總部位於沙烏地阿拉伯利雅德,生產範圍涵蓋美洲、歐洲、中東和亞太地區等。產品類別則包含化學製品、高性能塑膠、農業肥料和金屬等。 SABIC並生產高度差異化的產品,包括工程熱塑性樹脂及化合物、複合材料、熱固性塑料和添加劑以及積層製造解決方案等。

SABIC 利用其材料加工專業知識,為客戶提供設計、應用開發和測試方面的服務,並協助客戶更快地將創新產品推向市場。其材料數據團隊則透過尖端材料量測實驗室、預測工程能力和零件級測試,來驗證設計應用的材料數據。


  • 隨著高填充樹脂的使用增加,射出成型產品應用變得越來越薄,使得產業需要開發新的分析方法、材料模型和 CAE 求解器功能,以實現精確的製程模擬
  • 更準確的CAE 模擬結果,才能讓使用者對塑件、模具、機台和製程設計的決策更具信心
  • 因此SABIC 開發了一種系統方法,可在 CAE 中複製實際成型環境,並改善樹脂的黏度特性。此方法有助於 SABIC 的壓力預測落在10%的誤差值之內
  • 此方法使設計團隊能夠在零件、模具和製程開發過程中做出自信的決策,從而減少重工、縮短開發時間並降低開發成本



以往高分子材料的黏度量測,是透過量測溫度和剪切速率的影響來完成的,並未考慮壓力對黏度的影響。事實上,受到非結晶性樹脂的特性影響,壓力造成聚合物的黏度顯著提高。在非結晶性材料中,Tg 會隨著聚合物承受的壓力上升而增加,原因是自由體積隨著壓力的增加而減少,而提高了黏度。SABIC因此改良了方法,納入壓力對黏度的影響,並在 Cross-WLF 黏度模型中以 D3 參數表示。


The above Fig. A shows the gap in injection pressure between experimental molding and CAE, where the material file here is not having D3 (pressure dependency).





1.       材料特性量測:要針對高射出壓力下的樹脂流動行為作出正確的評估,除了傳統的Cross-WLF參數和壓力相關項之外,Cross-WLF模型中的D3係數也是相當重要。SABIC近來也開發出量測D3的方法。

1.       Material characterization - In addition to the conventional Cross-WLF parameters, the pressure dependence term, D3 in the Cross-WLF model is also critical for making an accurate estimation of the resin’s flow behavior under high injection pressures. SABIC has a methodology for measurement of D3.


2.       實驗設置:使用乾燥機預先將材料乾燥之後,透過科學成型技術優化製程設定。SABIC將此設定運作一小時(60個週期),以穩定製程,並在量測之前就達到平衡。

2.       Experimental setup – After pre-drying the material as per required settings using a desiccant dryer, and optimizing the process settings using scientific molding techniques, SABIC ran the settings for one hour (60 cycles) to allow the process to stabilize and attain an equilibrium before taking any measurements.


3.       數據記錄:透過噴洗模腔表面,並使用熱探針檢視,可量測熔膠溫度和模具溫度等輸入值。所有的螺桿作動參數(包括行程、速度等)皆可由機器的壓力-時間變化曲線來捕捉。

3.       Data recordings – Inputs such as melt temperature and mold temperature are measured by purging and checking on cavity surface using thermal probes, respectively. All screw movement parameters such as stroke and velocity are captured with a continuous curve of pressure change w.r.t. time from the machine.


4.       CAE模型:塑件和進料系統(包含澆口、冷流道及熱嘴)皆須以3D元素進行建模。在最終的網格建構之前,透過較精細的網格,來研究其對壓力、流動特徵等關鍵分析結果的靈敏度。而為了考量螺桿料管中的壓力損失,SABIC以三次元量測儀(CMM)測量機台噴嘴前段,並開發CAD幾何模型。這些皆以3D元素建構網格,形成FE網格模型的基礎;並在CAE模型中進行模具排氣設計的量測和建模。

4.       CAE Model - The part and the feed system, which includes the gate, cold runner and the hot drop, were all modelled using 3D elements. Considerable effort has been spent to understand the mesh sensitivity of the model on some of the key results like pressure and flow pattern before deciding it. To include the pressure loss that occurs in the machine screw barrel, the front portion of the machine nozzle geometry is included into the feed system model and finally they are integrated with the part geometry – all these are meshed using 3D elements, thus forming the basis for FE meshed model. Vents designed in mold are also measured and same are modelled in CAE model.


5.       後處理:使用Moldex3D進行成型製程模擬,包括典型的充填、保壓分析等研究。比較實驗及CAE模擬結果顯示,在黏度模型沒有材料參數D3的情況下,壓力峰值的預測低估了約28.9%。而在黏度模型中納入D3之後,壓力峰值的模擬與量測結果相較,則僅低估約4.2%。

5.       Post processing - The molding process simulation involving a typical fill and pack study was carried out in Moldex3D. The comparison of the peak pressure between experimental molding and simulation (CAE), wherein the material data used in CAE simulation is without D3 in the viscosity model – the simulation is under-predicting by about 28.9%. The peak pressure comparison, with the inclusion of D3 in the viscosity model, it has significantly improved and has a good agreement with measured pressure. The simulation is now under-predicting the measured peak pressure by 4.2%.




  • 改善樹脂的流變特徵
  • 考量熔膠和模具溫度,獲得準確的量測結果
  • 將噴嘴納入流動路徑,得到更細節的量測結果
  • 排氣的配置可運用在FE模型
  • 複製機台設定,作為充填和保壓的輸入值







